Materials by/for Moroccan Film Scholars


— This resource is constantly being updated. Do feel free to send Stefanie an email with sources she has not yet added —

Alberto Elena, 2001. ‘Spanish Colonial Cinema: Contours and Singularities’, Journal of Film Preservation 63, p.29.

Andrea Khalil, 2013, North African Cinema in a Global Context: Through the Lens of Diaspora, Routledge.

Aziz Chahir, 2014, ‘Chapter ix: Women In Moroccan Cinema: Between Tradition And Modernity’, in: Foluke Ogunleye, African Film: Looking Back and Looking Forward, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Brian T. Edwards, 2007, ‘Marock in Morocco: Reading Moroccan films in the age of circulation’, Journal of North African Studies 12/3, pp.287-307.

Brian T. Edwards, 2011, ‘Francophone voices of the ‘new’ Morocco in film and print: (re-) presenting a society in transition,’ The Journal of North African Studies 16/3, pp.493-496.

F. Al Zahi, 1995, ‘The “Possessed” or the Symbolic Body in Moroccan Cinema.’ Trans. Tahia Khaled Abdel Nasser, Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics 15, pp.267-71.

Guy Hennebelle, 1976, ‘Arab Cinema’, MERIP Reports 52, pp. 4–12.

H. Abderrezak, 2008, ‘Questioning Moroccan and Algerian Modernity: Through Language, Literature, and Cinema’, Critical Interventions 2/3-4, pp.61-67.

H. Powers, 2011, ‘Yto Barrada. Tangier’s Changing Cosmopolitanisms’, Nka Journal of Contemporary African Art 28, pp.130-139.

Iain Chambers, 2004, ‘The Mediterranean, A Postcolonial Sea’, Third Text 18/5, pp. 423-433.

J. Smolin, 2011, ‘Burning the Past: Moroccan Cinema of Illegal Immigration,’ South Central Review 28/1, pp.74-89.

Josef Gugler, 2007, ‘Ali Zaoua: the harsh life of street children and the poetics of childhood’, Journal of North African Studies 12/3, pp.369-379.

K. Smets, 2012, ‘Re-membering through film practices: Diasporic film culture and identity beyond the homeland’, Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research 5/2, pp.187-203.

K. Smets, Vandevelde, I., Meers, P., Vande Winkel, R. and Van Bauwel, S., 2013, ‘Diasporic film cultures from a multi-level perspective: Moroccan and Indian cinematic flows in and towards Antwerp (Belgium)’, Critical Studies in Media Communication 30/4, pp.257-274.

Kevin Dwyer, 2002, ‘Hidden, Unsaid, Taboo in Moroccan Cinema: Abdelkader Lagtaa’s Challenge to Authority’, Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media 43/2, pp.117-133.

Kevin Dwyer, 2007, ‘Moroccan cinema and the promotion of culture’, The Journal of North African Studies 12/3, pp. 277–286.

Kevin Dwyer, 2009, Beyond Casablanca: M.A. Tazi and the Adventure of Moroccan Cinema, Indiana University Press.

Kevin Dwyer, 2010, ‘Familiar genres, diverse audiences, shifting experiences: some ethical and practical considerations in anthropological life historie’, Histoires de vie, témoignages, autobiographies de terrain: formes d’énonciation et de textualisation 28, p.33.

Kevin Dwyer, 2011, ‘A National Cinema with Large Ambitions’, Film in the Middle East and North Africa: Creative Dissidence, Josef Gugler (ed.) University of Texas Press, p.325.

Kevin Dwyer, 2013, ‘Hidden, Unsaud, Taboo’in Moroccan Cinema: Abdelkader Lagtaa’s Challenge To Authority’, Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media 43/2, p.8.

M. Grassilli, 2008, ‘Migrant cinema: Transnational and guerrilla practices of film production and representation,’ Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 34/8, pp.1237-1255.

M. Hirchi, 2011, ‘The Ethics and Politics of Laila Marrakchi’s Marock’, South Central Review 28/1, pp.90-108.

M.M. Daoudi and Teacher, E., ‘Toward a Gendered Moroccan Diasporic Cinema: Transgressing the Fetish in Yasmine Kassari’s Erraged’, Available online:

Moulay Driss Jaïdi, 2001, Histoire du cinéma au Maroc: Le Cinéma colonial. Rabat: Almajal.

M. Bakrim, 2005, ‘La critique, une question de formation?’, in Africiné. Available online:

M. Bakrim, 2005, ‘Le cinéma marocain à la recherche du temps perdu’, in Africiné. Available online:

M. Bakrim, 2006, ‘Face à la censure’, in Africiné. Available online:

M. Bakrim, 2006, ‘Le cinéma comme métaphore du monde. Portrait Jilali Ferhati’, in Africiné. Available online:

M. Bakrim, 2007, ‘Adieu si Ahmyed Décès du producteur tunisien A. B. Attia’, in Africine. Available online:

M. Bakrim, 2007, ‘De la résistance active des salles. L’année 2007 du cinéma marocain’, in Africine. Available online:

M. Bakrim, 2007, ‘Le cinéma marocain en 2007. Une affiche prometteuse’, in Africiné. Available online:

M. Bakrim, 2007, ‘Le plan de résistance’, Dossier Africiné N°3: Cinéma et television. Available online:

M. Bakrim, 2007, ‘Un pionnier s’en va. Décès de Sembène Ousmane’, in Africiné. Available online:

M. Bakrim, 2007, Cinéma d’auteur et critique cinématographique. Essai de synthèse’, in Africiné Dossier N°4: Cinéma populaire / cinéma d’auteur. Available online:

M. Bakrim, 2007, Le Désir permanent. Chroniques cinématographiques 1, Nouril Éditeur, 2007.

M. Bakrim, 2008, ‘Décès du cinéaste égyptien Youssef Chahine. Adieu maître!’, in Africiné. Available online:

M. Bakrim, 2008, ‘Des images du monde. Festival international du film de Marrakech 2007 (Maroc)’, in Africiné. Available online:

M. Bakrim, 2008, ‘Hassan Skalli. La perle noire de nos écrans’, in Africiné. Available online:

M. Bakrim, 2008, ‘L’homme a la camera. Mostafa Derkaoui (cinéaste, Maroc), Portrait, Hommage’, in Africiné. Available online:

M. Bakrim, 2008, ‘La question du premier film. Cinquantenaire du cinéma marocain (1958-2008)’, in Africiné. Available online:

M. Bakrim, 2008, ‘Le cinéma à Ouarzazate. Une stratégie et une commission de suivi, in Africiné. Available online:

M. Bakrim, 2008, ‘Le film marocain s’affiche à l’universel. Les films marocains à Marrakech’, in Africiné. Available online:

M. Bakrim, 2009, ‘Peut-on enseigner le cinéma?’, in Africiné. Available online:

M. Bakrim, 2011, Impressions itinérantes, chroniques cinématographiques 2, Casablanca.

M. Bakrim, 2014, ‘Festival du Cinéma africain de Khouribga 2014. La nouvelle génération arrive’, in Africiné. Available online:

M. Bakrim, 2014, ‘Palmarès du festival du Cinéma africain de Khouribga (Maroc). Le grand prix pour Kamal Kamal’, in Africiné. Available online:

O. Kosansky and Boum, A., 2012, ‘The “Jewish Question” in Postcolonial Moroccan Cinema’, International Journal of Middle East Studies 44/3, pp.421-442.

Patricia Caillé, 2013. ‘Cinemas of the Maghreb: Reflections on the transnational and polycentric dimensions of regional cinema’, Studies in French Cinema 13/3, pp.241-256.

Patricia Pisters, 2007, ‘Micropolitics of the Migrant Family in Accented Cinema. Love and Creativity in Empire’, in Shooting the Family: Transnational Media and Intercultural Values, Pisters, Patricia & Staat, Wim (eds.), Amsterdam University Press.

Patricia Pisters, 2007, ‘Refusal of Reproduction: Paradoxes of Becoming-Woman in Transnational Moroccan Filmmaking’, in Marciniak, K., Imre, A., O”Healy, Áine (eds.) Transnational Feminism in Film and Media, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 71-92.

Patricia Pisters, 2011, ‘The Mosaic Film: Nomadic Style and Politics in Transnational Media Culture’, in Thamyris Intersecting 23: pp.175-190.

Roy Armes, 2005, Postcolonial Images. Studies in North African Film, Indiana University Press.

Roy Armes, 2006, African Filmmaking North and South of the Sahara, Edinburgh University Press.

Roy Armes and Malkmus, L., 1991, Arab and African Filmmaking, Zed Books.

Roy Armes, 2015, New Voices in Arab Cinema, Indiana University Press.

S. Babana-Hampton, 2010, ‘Bringing into focus narrative text and subtext in Moroccan film: Marock’s Hors-Champ’, The Journal of North African Studies 15/3, pp.289-303.

Saadia Dinia and Oumlil Kenza, 2016, ‘Women in Contemporary Moroccan Cinema’, Journal of Middle East Media 12, pp. 40-59. Available online:

Said Graiouid and Taieb Belghazi, 2013, ‘Cultural production and cultural patronage in Morocco: the state, the Islamists, and the field of culture’, Journal of African Cultural Studies, pp. 261–274.

Sandra G. Carter, 2001, ‘Moroccan Berberity, representational power and identity in video films,’ International Communication Gazette 63/2-3, pp.241-262.

Sandra G. Carter, 2008, ‘Constructing an independent Moroccan national and national identity through cinema and institutions’, The Journal of North African Studies 13/4, pp. 531-599.

Sandra G. Carter, 2009, What Moroccan Cinema? A Historical and Critical Study, Plymouth.

T. Khannous, 2001, ‘Realms of Memory: Strategies of Representation and Postcolonial Identity in North African Women’s Cinema’, Journal X: A Journal in Cinema and Criticism 6/1, pp.47-61.

Valerie Orlando, 1999, Nomadic voices of exile: feminine identity in Francophone literature of the Maghreb, Ohio University Press.

Valerie Orlando, 2009, Francophone Voices of the “New” Morocco in Film and Print, Palgrave Macmillan.

Valerie Orlando, 2011, ‘Mean Streets, Bad Boys, Drugs and Rock’n’Roll: Morocco’s Urban Legends of the 21 st Century’, South Central Review 28/1, pp.52-73.

Valerie Orlando, 2011, Screening Morocco: Contemporary Depictions in Film of a Changing Society, Ohio University Press.

Valerie Orlando, 2013, ‘Being-in-the-world: the Afropolitan Moroccan author’s worldview in the new millennium’, Journal of African Cultural Studies 25/3, pp. 275–291.